So a couple of days ago, I received a phone call from a woman at Punch TV Studios saying that they want me to come in for an interview! So I got real *Jazzy, and hopped on the train, then the bus, and ended up right off Pico! I get inside and the first guy I saw was the doorman, cool dude. Then I saw this young brother at the desk said hi! He asked if I was here to see Ms. Ramos!?..(I honestly couldn't remember who's name was on the bottom of that email!) So I told him that, and then remembered it was Ms Coral who I spoke to on the phone! An older gentleman by the the name of Ryan walked by and formally introduced himself before I went to have a seat. Then a light skinned gentleman with a bright colored tie walked up to me and introduced himself....uuuggghhh... honestly, I'm Bad wit names! But I remember faces REAL GOOD and his face became more familiar when he said... "You do Spoken Word don't you?" I looked at him and he said "At the Bonaventure right?" I cheesed and was like "yeah that's me!" Right when I said that, a woman came walking down from upstairs and she said "Are you Paul Marcellus Nicks?" I said "yes ma'am" and just has she invited me upstairs; the light skinned brother I had remember seeing at one of my events before, said to the woman, "He's a dope Spoken Word lyricist Miss Rachel, He Dope!" Crazy right!?
We sat down in her office, and we formally introduced ourselves. After I told her a little about me, she asked me politely..."What is your Goal here?" In the next couple years what are you here for and what are you trying to achieve? I explained that I wanted to be the face of their company and assist in helping it grow to reach it's short term and long term goals!
We had a lengthy and great conversation full of honestly, wisdom and experience, the kind I respect! At the end of our Great "Exchange" she ask, did I want to be part of the family? and offered me an internship and an opportunity to build with the company! I said "YES" and she asked "When would you like to start?' I said "TOMORROW!"
*Jazzy-means Fly, Fresh, Clean, and phrases like: Cooler than a Eucalyptus, leaf submerged in Vanilla bean sittin in my freezer!
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