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Monday, October 7, 2013

You might consider it a hiatus, but it's truly what you need!

There are moments in your life where your constantly thinking about every little bitty thing you need to take care of, but the truth at that time is that you simply need to sit tight and focus on stacking and relaxing! I hate to go on my social media sites ie..(Facebook, Twitter...Etc.) and leave my feelings about things. I prefer to take a different approach to certain things. I discuss what's on my mind in my music. So if you wanna get to know Paul Marcellus, then you're going to need to get to know my music! And you don't have to turn on the radio to do that, at least not for now! I always have things on my mind. But there are moments that You need to take a break on pushing yourself. I recommend doing this when you do have enough established for whatever your trying to accomplish. (Ie..If your an artist and your starting from the ground up make sure you take a break only after you've developed your 5 year business plan, put together your media press kit and your EPK, done a couple videos...etc) It's after you've set your self up to be in a good position do you sit tight, relax, and stack your bread and take time to relax! You will eventually realize that you"ll be doing this for the rest of your life. So the pattern, is to grind, then stack and relax. Then do it all over again! I have an end goal and then goals after my end goal. And you should too! So, develop this and while your mind is clear from having to do so much, you'll be able to hear GOD more clearly and then be able to properly move forward when the time is right!

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