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Sunday, October 9, 2016

"Now you know who you are!"

Ever since the birth of my son (Who's about to be a year now) I have been at war with just about every negative force a human being could possibly go through. I have been at war mentally with my existence and my purpose and cannot see which way I'm going or who I can trust. I yearn to be able to give my children everything I have never had and knowledge of TRUE self is one of them. Today, I sat down thought about my life and prayed for GOD to reveal the truth to me and guide me so that I can successfully guide my children to him. Then, shortly after, he led me to this video. Most of this I know...but for some reason today...This video, and its information... sunk into my spirit and unlocked me.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

"Words from Sadhguru"

As often as I can I continually aim and pour wise philosophies into my soul.