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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Study to show YOURSELF approved...then you'll look around and DISAPPROVE of what you see!

Today I was scrolling down Facebook, and I saw a post that intrigued me. There was an article posted on with a title that simply said this...

The typical black church is still acting like slaves.

I took the time to read the article, instead of skimming through it like I normally do! and it's funny...I've been speaking these things for YEARS!!!, and anybody that knows me personally has heard me speak on these very TRUTHS only to be met with Aggression, Judgment, & Disbelief because I'm not following their Pastor's or Bishop's etc... "Version" of the Word of God, while puttin on a show! Study to show YOURSELF approved...then you'll look around and DISAPPROVE of what you see!

Friday, December 13, 2013

40 days....

         Yesterday "B" text me and was like "So.... starting Monday, I'm Fasting until I come see you!"
No: Wheat, Beef, Pork, Processed foods, Dairy, Sugar, Fried food! But I'm gonna need help with this Cheese!!!! Then I was Like, "I'ma gonna Fast wit you" and This time I'm doing it for REAL!!!

       Every time I've ever heard about someone Fasting it seemed to me they always would only do a 7 day Fast that only consisted of not cussing or not eating meat; Or some would be like "I'm doing this so I can have a breakthrough!!!!" ISAIAH 58:4 Says "You cannot Fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high."
         My personal feelings behind fasting are simply feelings of self servitude and sacrifice. For there are true benefits of fasting no one one ever discusses.
ISAIAH 58:8-9 says "Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the lord will be your rear guard. (9)Then you will call, and the lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I."
 So....For the next 40 days Me and "B" will be fasting for these reasons. And thus begins our Journey counting down the days til our next key moment in life together!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Spoken Word, yeah it's feeling Good/....Food for the Soul, Now who want a Bowl!?/ I DO!!!!"

A couple months ago I reached out to Poetri (Who is the guy with the orange shirt on the flyer) to be apart of his SPOKEN FUNK Events and Finally....I am featured during their "Spotlight" Showcase on JAN 5th 2014!!!!! It's going down!!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Wherever You End Up, is Always the Right Place!" Like... Tina Grahams 50th Birthday Roast!!!!

       So, I get a phone call from Ms. Ramos (waking me up outta my sleep dreaming bout Brandy) lol... and she said..."Hey... so can you host a Red Carpet Event for us tonight? Now in my mind I'm thinking..."Is she Serious?" But I instantly replied...."Why of course I would!" Later that evening, I headed out to Jon Lovitz Comedy Club at City Walk and got there before everyone else. Pretty soon, I could see why Ms. Ramos was freaking out because she hit me up shortly after I arrived, thinking I was running late because Mr. Collins had already been inside and had everything set up! I ended up Meeting and interviewing the best comedians in the business!; AJ Johnson, Bill Hill, King Kedar, GM Ford, Derrick Ellis, Yvette, Spanky Hayes, The Hilarious Clipperman, and an array of more side splitting comedians.  The host's of the evening were Black Casper and Melanie Camacho. It's crazy...cuz what I realized at the end of the evening (before I had a headache and was ready to go home)...was that sometimes...wherever you end up, is Always the right place!