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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

So...Now I'm an intern at Punch TV!!!

               So a couple of days ago, I received a phone call from a woman at Punch TV Studios saying that they want me to come in for an interview! So I got real *Jazzy, and hopped on the train, then the bus, and ended up right off Pico! I get inside and the first guy I saw was the doorman, cool dude. Then I saw this young brother at the desk said hi! He asked if I was here to see Ms. Ramos!?..(I honestly couldn't remember who's name was on the bottom of that email!) So I told him that, and then remembered it was Ms Coral who I spoke to on the phone! An older gentleman by the the name of Ryan walked by and formally introduced himself before I went to have a seat. Then a light skinned gentleman with a bright colored tie walked up to me and introduced himself....uuuggghhh... honestly, I'm Bad wit names! But I remember faces REAL GOOD and his face became more familiar when he said... "You do Spoken Word don't you?" I looked at him and he said "At the Bonaventure right?" I cheesed and was like "yeah that's me!" Right when I said that, a woman came walking down from upstairs and she said "Are you Paul Marcellus Nicks?" I said "yes ma'am" and just has she invited me upstairs; the light skinned brother I had remember seeing at one of my events before, said to the woman, "He's a dope Spoken Word lyricist Miss Rachel, He Dope!" Crazy right!?

          We sat down in her office, and we formally introduced ourselves. After I told her a little about me, she asked me politely..."What is your Goal here?" In the next couple years what are you here for and what are you trying to achieve? I explained that I wanted to be the face of their company and assist in helping it grow to reach it's short term and long term goals!
We had a lengthy and great conversation full of honestly, wisdom and experience, the kind I respect! At the end of our Great "Exchange" she ask, did I want to be part of the family? and offered me an internship and an opportunity to build with the company! I said "YES" and she asked "When would you like to start?' I said "TOMORROW!"
*Jazzy-means Fly, Fresh, Clean, and phrases like: Cooler than a Eucalyptus, leaf submerged in Vanilla bean sittin in my freezer! 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Quit Cryin wit ya Jelly Spine!!!

This week has truly been a key moment in life for me! Yours might have been too! But I wanna share something VERY IMPORTANT with everyone reading this blog, especially my fellow Kings reading this! I was on Facebook today and was just looking over something, and you know how there are Ads on the right hand side of the screen we never click on! Well today God, pointed out this video which I saw out my peripheral. I actually looked at it a couple times before I gave in and clicked on it! I know who TD Jakes is... but I can't say I follow him and his sermons. I sat and listened and watched this video in its entirety! Everything that I have been feeling as a Man, he said! The very feeling of knowing you have "Thick" skin and spine of "Steel" while facing belittling and demeaning situations, racism, and downright disrespect while trying to maintain your integrity; everyday gets to be much for EVERY MAN! However, (And this is where that conversation I was having with one of my brothers pops out in my mind)  WE WERE BUILT FOR THIS!  On days where you feel discouraged, (for whatever reason) FIND your encouragement! How you do this is simple! After you pray for encouragement, think of the fact that you are still able to go on and accomplish great things and simply make it so!